Friday, August 24, 2012

West coast hopes

The lettuce growers and shippers in California are eagerly waiting for the premature end of the lettuce deals on the East Coast and Midwest.  I believe they may be celebrating prematurely thanks to anticipation of warmer weather in this area.   Without firm evidence, I think many growers continued planting long after the normal dates they shut down their planters and transplanters.  Many were affected by early summer storms which wiped out early acreage.  Others may have realized the hot weather was accelearting crop development and would put an early end to an otherwise productive season.  In my own micro farm I still have two more weeks of transplants to set out.   Barring a hard frost, I will be harvesting the last lettuces in mid to late October.  I doubt too many commercial growers will follow that program, but as "climate change" continues on its merry way, more and more farmers will adapt and seasons here will get longer.  Meanwhile the California deal will have to wait its turn.

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