Thursday, August 23, 2012

August doldrums

It's that time of the summer once again.  Business is dreadful and the usual complaints are trotted out:  it's vacation time, one last hurrah before school begins, too much local, too many gardens, and on and on.  Of course, there is truth in each of the above, and as the baby boom generation advances to senior citizen status these trends are likely to be amplified.  The children of the boomers are even less likely to buy and cook vegetables than their parents, unless driven by economic or health issues.  As a kid, virtually everyone I knew ate dinner at home, usually cooked by the stay at home mother.  As my generation came of age, the rise of women in the work force and the obsessive nature of our childrens' extra-curricular activities led to the truncated dinner and the fast food generation.  Many people resisted this trend, but all of us have been guilty at one time or another of choosing Mickey Ds over the healty alternative.  Add millions of these choices and the veg deal suffers, especially in August.

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