Friday, August 10, 2012

Warm and Wet

It felt like a north country sauna this morning at 5:30 a.m.  After a 1/2 inch of rain on baked ground, the humidity is about 100%, but the plants are drinking it in and look quite a bit better than yesterday.  With two more days of the same predicted, we may get back to a more "normal" season.  There is still time for the late seedings of many veg crops to mature.  But let's not get ahead of ourselves.   Late blight will be rearing its ugly head and many leaf diseases will be in play over the next few days.  But with the Hobson's choice between moisture and disease, the call must go to more rain.  The showers will also bring on the crops which have been lagging for the past few weeks.  Peppers, broccoli, cauliflower and the lettuces will accelerate as we head toward Sept.  Many growers will count on the next month to recoup losses due to drought.   We can only hope Mother Nature is more clement as we head into the Fall season.

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