Monday, August 27, 2012

Death watches

One cabbage grower near the office said this morning if we don't get significant rain today or tomorrow on his non irrigated fields, there will be no crop.  Although he is a minority these days, even growers with irrigation are behind on many crops.  As I sweated yesterday while transplanting late lettuce, I had to re-water the transplants from last week or they would have been permanently damaged by the brutal heat and drying winds.  The plants looked much better afterward, but they are still somewhat set back and will probably show damage unless we get rain.  The later plantings of corn will not fill out correctly without moisture.   Even the sweet potatoes will not make much of a crop unless something besides relentless sunshine falls out of the sky.  Last year at this time, Irene decimated many crops in three day deluge.  This year's apocolypse is a slow moving disaster that some will avoid, but many will remember as the year that Mother Nature forgot to weep.

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