Thursday, August 9, 2012

probably too little

And too late.  The weather service is predicting 3 days of showers and up to 1.5 inches of rain.  I'll believe it when I see it.  My own take is we will get three days of drizzle and high humidity which will get all kinds of plant diseases going but add little to soil moisture.  I'm afraid I already see symptoms of late blight in the tomatoes, even with the hot, dry conditions.  The winter squash has already been hurt by lack of rainfall,and the corn is rapidly approaching that stage.  The late season garden is looking fair to poor at this point and the flea beetles are rampant.  Would someone please remind me why I do this every year.  Meanwhile, among the farmers who depend on farming for their livelihood, tipburn is appearing in the lettuce crops, peppers are beautiful, but worthless and the spinach and cilantro crops are withering in the heat.  A late season extending into October is probably the only salvation for many. 

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