Monday, August 13, 2012

Getting there

Whoever said getting there is half the fun was less than half right.  Getting out of this drought situation in the garden and the North Country seems to be a series of half measures.  We got a little over an inch of rain on Thurs. and Friday and most years that would be plenty, but this is not most years.  On recently worked soil, the rain barely penetrated a couple of inches, but at least it kept most plants going.  More rain is predicted this week, so we may get back on track for a productive fall season.  Certainly my plantings on Sat. and Sunday would indicate my own feelings.  Spinach, beets, basil, cilantro, dill, radishes and lettuce transplants will keep things humming until frost.  The soil is very warm, so germination should not be a problem.  The bigger question for north country veg growers is will the markets begin to turn before September.  We have a long way to go, but the early markets are not encouraging.

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