Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Silly Shipping season

Or the season when shipping becomes silly?   As the veg season reaches a somewhat muted crescendo this year, the usual antics at shipping point cause heads to shake each morning.  Under pressure, people put the wrong product on trucks, forget to put seals or recorders, short ship other orders and in general make a hash of customer service.  We forget that the last word on each shipment is had by a tired guy on a forklift truck who is hungry and intent on getting out of Dodge before midnight and by the trucker, another tired individual looking forward to harrassment at the border and then a long night on the road.  It is amazing that more screwups don't happen.  Meanwhile on the home front, the dry weather continues and amazingly enough most of the crops are hanging on and seemingly waiting for the rain which will allow them to mature.  I have noticed the carrots taste more carroty than usual and the corn is sweeter.  I am hoping the tomatoes and melons follow suit.  Rain is in the forecast for Thurs-Sat., so relief is in sight.

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