Thursday, November 16, 2023

time for a timeout

        Referring to your political opponents as "vermin" and threatening to commit them to mental institutions if elected to the presidency next year would seem to be ample evidence of malign intent.  One of the judges presiding over tRump's numerous trials should take the logical step of revoking his bail and sending him to prison for a cooling off period.

      Virtually no one who has observed the disgraced former president (aside from the MAGA horde) would argue his increasingly unhinged campaign rhetoric will not lead to violence against his enemies in the short term.   In his mind, anyone seeking to hold him accountable for his numerous crimes is an enemy needing extermination.   It is only a matter of time before someone with an AR-15 acts on tRump's implication of someone as a persecutor of the ex-president and takes the law into their hands.  Commission to jail, or better yet a psychiatric institution would help calm the body politic.

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