Friday, November 17, 2023

Partisan reality

        I'm probably enough of a liberal to qualify as vermin by tRump's definition.   However, besides watching way too much MSNBC in my daughter's estimation, I also subscribe to the NYT and WaPo as well as reading several center-left blogs on a daily basis.  So, I consider myself an open minded person as opposed to the average Fox news viewer who eschews any other news source except more right wing outlets.

        The skewed views on the economy is a case in point.   Inflation is down, wages are up, employment is at a 50 year high and consumer spending continues to power the economy, yet a majority of Americans have a dismal opinion on said economy.   Partisan affiliation has much to do with it and GOP partisans are far more likely than Dems to blame the Biden administration for their perceived woes by up to a 30% margin.  Despite their expressed dismay, these same Republican consumers continue to spend like drunken sailors which keeps the economy humming.  Fox news says the economy is terrible, ergo to the average viewer it must be so.   Some people need to get out more.


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