Wednesday, November 29, 2023

The political silly season

       We are still 11 months away from election day.   The primaries have not yet started.  There is a need to fill news outlets and cable news with content.  Time to drag the fringes of the American political scene to center stage and give them their 15 minutes of fame.   

      Today was "No Labels" turn in the spotlight.  Ever since Joe Lieberman and a couple of Republican operatives dreamed up this supposedly non-partisan, non political party, it has been seen as a haven and a grift for those who are not welcome in the two major parties.  It has about $70 million on hand.  This may seem like a lot, but even with deep pocketed donors, the salaries and bonuses for hangers on will suck up most of the money before it can be used to actually do any political damage.   The worry is No Labels will gain ballot access in enough states and endorse a ticket that will siphon votes away from Biden and throw the election to tRump.   Personally, aside from the votes of Harlan Crow and a few other donors, i doubt  a No Labels ticket will draw enough votes to do anything except line the pockets of its principals.s

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