Monday, November 20, 2023

Don't know much about AI

           Is Skynet coming for you in Terminator scenario, or will AI solve all the problem mankind  is too stupid, greedy or vicious to tackle.   That seems to me to be at the heart of the departure of Sam Altman from Open AI, the startup he founded with another expert in artificial intelligence.   The board at the company seems to think Altman treats the whole concept too cavalierly.  Obviously, Microsoft does not seem to feel the same way as it immediately hired Altman to lead a new team of Ai scientists to the promised land.

          I don't know much about artificial intelligence, except I think it's more hype than reality at this point.   However, deep pocketed tech giants like Microsoft and Google are betting billions of dollars on the promise of AI and with their track records off achievements, I wouldn't bet against them.

      That leads to the question of what a world augmented or ruled by AI would look like.  I would prefer a world much like the Jetsons with flying cars and intelligent domestic robots.  What we'll probably get is closer to James Cameron's vision of robots run amuck.  Just a Monday morning thought...

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