Monday, November 27, 2023

American obsessions

       A quick scan of the my usual blogs and newsfeeds this morning reveals America's various obsessions, namely and not necessarily in order to be, aging in America, wealth disparity and Israel's war with Hamas.  Nothing today about climate change or tRump, the two most existential threats to the nation's continuation as a liberal democracy.  No, what caught my eye was a plug for the "Golden Bachelor", wherein a 72 year old age defying geezer choses the love of the rest of his life from a bevy of spray tanned, botox toned boomer women who make jokes about replaced knees and the perils of midnight bathroom runs.  Meanwhile, the Washington Post editorial board makes the case that young, liberal women need to get over themselves and marry politically conservative men in order to satisfy some longing for an idealized country by the EB at the Post.  Just a small sample about what some of us are obsessing about.

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