Anti-immigrant hysteria is a staple of American history. Except for brief interludes, Americans have railed against immigrants since the early years of the republic. Even while celebrating immigrants as does the Statue of Liberty, most people would prefer the "huddled masses" look like white, northern Europeans.
Now, tRump and his minions are floating plans for massive "camps" where immigrants will be concentrated before expulsion from the country. The capacity of these concentration camps is purportedly in the millions. The disgraced, indicted former president has ratcheted up his rhetoric to rile up his base with predictable results.
The truth is, immigrants are more law abiding than native born Americans, pay taxes and start businesses at higher rates than citizens. If you think about it, immigrants in general have made huge sacrifices to come here and are willing to work harder to make their dreams of a better life come true. The truth is, we need these immigrants to make up the labor shortage caused by a falling birth rate. Stephen Miller, tRump's latter day Goebbels, would have us believe employers will willingly raise wages to attract increasingly scarce workers in the absence of immigrants. Good luck with that.
tRump and his enablers want to make this country into a pale imitation of Nazi Germany in the 1930s instead of the vibrant multicultural democracy it can be. We can choose either model next year.
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