Friday, January 13, 2023

Whose your daddy?

       For most of the Republicans in Congress, their "daddy" is the wealthiest  person in their district or their state for senators.   These multimillionaires and billionaires provide the enormous sums required to run for office in the 21st century.  And they expect their pound of flesh in return.    Most, if not all of these supposedly self made Republican donors hate the minimalist welfare state we have in America.   The problem is most voters like it and would like to expand benefits as long as they go to the right people.

     In previous incarnations, Congress would make a show of proposing to cut Social Security and Medicare, but would back down before a final vote.   When they acted on a proposal, like the Shrub's plan to privatize Social Security, the blowback was swift.  Now, however, the inmates are running the asylum and the chances of a successful attack on the social safety net have gotten much more probable.    

     The fringe caucus doesn't really care if they blow up the system an most of the rest of the Republican majority are apparatchiks looking for a career after their "service" is over.  The Divine Mrs. M wants to know how anyone can be so cruel to the nation's seniors.  My reply is because they can.


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