Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Thrice more into the breach

       My Kevin was thoroughly humiliated yesterday by the crazies he nurtured and appeased for the last two years.   It looks like he will be back for more of the same today, unless perhaps he offered his firstborn to the shithouse rats' caucus and they accepted.

       Seriously, as McCarthy's lifelong ambition to be Speaker slips from his grasp, the sanest members of the Republican caucus have some soul searching to do and some hitherto impossible choices to make.   They can continue down the road they are on, possibly electing Steve Scalise or the equally execrable Elise Stefanik to the Speakership.   Or, they can make a deal with Democrats and elect a Speaker from outside the House.  If I was the Dem leader it would have to be a non-partisan actor with impeccable credentials.  Otherwise, let the "Republicans in disarray" narrative continue.

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