Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Gonna miss him

       One of the most important and least understood positions in Washington is the President's Chief of Staff.  If the White House policy shop runs smoothly and the COS is not in the news, the press tends to ignore  him.   The work is a grueling 24/7 marathon and they rarely last more than 18 months in the job.

       The present COS, Ron Klain announced he is stepping down in the next month and being replaced by Jeffrey Zients, a former  Obama administration official who presided over the sequestration debacle and other missteps which have not endeared him to progressives.   He lacks Klain's familiarity with Congressional leaders and deals from a position of wealth and power.   I guess we will find out if President Biden's liberal stances on many issues have come from deep seated convictions or were pushed by Klain and his advisors.   Zients is likely to be far more conservative, especially when dealing with Kevin McCarthy's cuckoo caucus.  

     Hold onto your seats.  I think we are in for a rough ride for the next couple of years. 

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