Thursday, January 26, 2023

Living long vs. living well

       An article in today's WaPo about the coming wave of centenarians about to engulf the world in coming decades made me wonder if living to extreme old age is something i would want to do.   It seems to me for every old person in vibrant good health as they approach 100, there is a huge cohort of men and women who take copious amounts of pills and enjoy a very straitened existence.   More often than not they are in "Memory Care" settings as dementia sets in and physical well being consists of sitting and staring out a window.   I believe many of these would be centenarians would trade the last 10-15 years of their present lives for a death while in full possession of all their faculties.   The aging industrial complex enables more and more people to end their lives in a less than dignified manner.   i know this is a topic which makes many uncomfortable, but is something we all need to grapple with at some point.

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