Friday, July 8, 2022

Whither Fuel Prices

     I filled my car's fuel tank yesterday and paid $4.60/gallon.  That's about .45-.50/gallon less than the high point for prices a few weeks back.  Of course, there are dozens of articles and man in the street pieces by the media praising Joe Biden and Democrats for bringing prices down...LOL!

     Seriously, Biden had nothing to do with either the run up of fuel prices or their inevitable fall, but  unlike the quarterback who is lionized while winning but pilloried for losing, the president is seemingly responsible for every economic stumble, but gets little or no credit when things improve.  I guess nothing sells like bad news.

     Assuming the Ukraine war grinds on its present path and demand for gas costing more than $4.00 at the pump continues to fall, then prices at the pump will continue to moderate.  However, the days of $2.00 gas are probably gone forever.   

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