Friday, July 15, 2022

Childbirth by children

       It's coming to a Republican controlled state near you.   Sometime soon, a child rape victim, perhaps as young as the 10 year old who fled Ohio to get abortion care in Indiana, will be forced by the state to bear her rapist's child.  Beyond this, she will probably be forced by economic and political  circumstances to give the baby up for adoption.   Welcome to an even more horrific real life version of The Handmaid's Tale. 

      Despite the efforts of right wing media outlets to discredit the story, which has been confirmed by both the rapist and the OB/GYN who performed the abortion, the horror of story has added fuel to the ongoing public outcry over the Supreme Court's evisceration of Roe vs. Wade.   By a wide margin, Americans wanted Roe upheld.  A tiny minority, working steadfastly for almost 50 years, has abrogated a right most of us have taken for granted.   As I have said before, the dog has finally caught the car, but it turns out it was a chihuahua and it just caught an 18 wheeler.

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