Friday, July 22, 2022

A story for our times

        The House Select Committee investigating the events of January 6, 2021 held another public hearing last night.  Despite the abundance of reporting on individual events on that day, the members of the committee are performing an immense service by making a coherent whole of the disparate parts of the story of an insurrection which had the potential to destroy the remaining elements of our democracy in the interests of keeping a hedonistic, manifestly unfit person in the presidency.

       The unspoken truth, unacknowledged even by the Committee is tRump wanted to cling to power to avoid having to pay for the many crimes he has committed throughout his ill fated career and which threaten his dotage with a variety of legal penalties.  Regardless, the narrative being supplied by Liz Cheney, et al. makes sense in that it traces the triggers for Jan. 6 to the point before the election when his own team came to grips with the data showing the failed former president losing both the popular and electoral vote to Joe Biden.

     An avalanche of new evidence and testimony will keep the committee busy at least through September with more hearings on the way.   I, for one, will tune in.

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