Wednesday, July 6, 2022

We are all libertarians, until

        Ask an American to define who the prototypical citizen should most resemble and I think most of us would think of someone like George Bailey, the fictional character in Frank Capra's "It's a Wonderful Life".  Fighting for the little guy no matter the cost to himself, Bailey epitomizes the virtues most of us wish we could have.  Unfortunately, if asked to put their reputations and personal fortunes on the line for someone outside our immediate family most of us would fail the Bailey test.

     Similarly, many of our fellow citizens consider themselves libertarians.  They long for a world where everyone has the same chance to succeed or fail.   Of course, close to 99% of these Ayn Rand disciples are young or middle aged white men who in the 100 meter dash of life are starting 50 meters ahead of most everyone else.

     The Supreme Court majority seems to want all of us to live the libertarian dream except for those who are non-white, female or younger than 21.   They will use government power to enforce their vision and woe to those who believe in a common cause.   It's none for all and all for the 1%.   It's going to be a long hard winter in Pottersville.

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