Friday, July 29, 2022

They really don't care

      Republicans all along the political spectrum, from tRump to Susan Collins really don't care whether their constituents live or die.   Senate Republicans proved that assertion by blocking a veterans' health care bill after they voted to approve it.   Jon Stewart's pressure campaign may be enough to push the bill over the finish line if enough voters respond to his calls to shame these senators.   Republicans have traditionally been known as the national security party, but as Stewart notes, they never met a war they didn't support or a veteran they were ready to screw over.

     Meanwhile, Susan Collins' fee-fees were hurt when Democrats unveiled the Joe Manchin Inflation Reduction and Climate Change Act.  Therefore with a few crocodile tears, she announced the same sex marriage bill she has been working on with Democrats is now a dead issue.   

     These politicians are letting us know who they are and what they stand for.  What are we going to do about it?

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