Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Summer weather

        For the most part, the weather in this area remains a little cooler and drier than normal.   Short periods of warmer weather are followed by cooler, drier days and nights.  For the average person this type of weather is perfect for a wide range of activities.  For farmers, not so much.   Most crops make their fastest growth during the long days and short nights of June and July.  Temperatures in the 80s and higher are necessary for many crops to mature.  By the time August rolls around, days are getting shorter and a few days of hot weather can't make up for earlier cool weather.   Vegetable crops are especially vulnerable to this kind of temperature regime.  Succession plantings bunch up and early seedings held back in cool, dry conditions mature at the same time as later plantings.   It's a no win situation, and with a short growing season, there is little time available to recover.

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