Thursday, March 10, 2022

Welcome to the roller coaster

     The price of crude oil and stocks seem to be increasingly tied together in an inverse relationship.   As the price of oil increases with the continuance of Putin's War, stock markets across the world gyrate with each advance and retreat of oil prices.

     I have avoided checking my and the Divine Mrs. M's various retirement accounts so as not to increase blood pressure readings, but i don't doubt things are not going well.   As we will have to fill our respective gas tanks later this week sticker shock is also in the offing.   Fortunately, we retired boomers can cut back on our car mileage, something our kids can't do in the short run.

     It looks like we are in for a wild ride, but I still think the Russian dictator is doing us all a favor by showing us the result of relying on autocratic petro-states for our energy needs.  

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