Friday, March 4, 2022

Is Archduke Ferdinand in the house

        The Russian army in Ukraine attacked and captured the largest nuclear power plant in the country yesterday and this morning.  Fortunately, it seems there won't be a second Chernobyl.  But it seems the world is slouching toward a wider war.   

      Many media commenters have compared the invasion of Ukraine to the beginning of WW2.  Hitler's invasion of Poland in 1939 seems to compare quite well with Putin's war of choice in 2022.   The biggest difference is the treaty which obliged Britain and France to defend Poland's sovereignty.  Ukraine has no such treaties with the West.   

      This makes the events of the past few weeks resemble the situation before the guns of August were heard.  A series of minor misunderstandings embroiled Europe in a war of attrition.  Ukraine seems to be settling into a similar situation.  Pictures of the suffering civilian population and brave partisan fighters will tempt the powers to push their aid to Ukraine past Putin's tolerance and the punishing economic sanctions against Russia may push him into a corner like the rat he has become. Anything might twitch his hand to the nuclear trigger.  Beware of cornered rats.

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