Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Supreme justice

       Federal Appellate Court Judge Katanji Brown Jackson is likely to make history sometime in the next couple of months as the first black woman to serve on the US Supreme Court.   She has already run the gauntlet of Senate Confirmation hearings 3 times already.  Even so, Republican members of the judiciary committee are hauling out heavy artillery to attack her and her nomination.

      From the frankly libelous claims by Josh Hawley that she is soft on child pornographers to questions about her qualifications from CanCun Cruz, it promises to be a brawl.   When the dust clears, Democrats have the votes to confirm Judge Jackson and she will be seated.  The damage to the judicial branch of government will take longer to heal.  The good thing is that more and more people will question how nine unelected men and women have far more impact on how ordinary Americans live and work than their elected representatives.  

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