Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Bad Faith abides

         Most Republicans who attended the State of the Union address last night felt obligated to stand and even applaud as Joe Biden explained the administration's policy to rein in Russia and support the people of Ukraine as they resist the might of the Russian army.  However, that gesture did not extend to protecting the right to vote of their own constituents.

       As the world scrambles to support Ukraine, all the problems democracy has been facing remain.  Illiberal laws passed by many GOP controlled legislatures effectively restrict the right to vote by people of color, younger voters and women.   Gerrymandered districts allow Republicans to remain in control of these legislatures even when they attract less than 50% of the vote.   We represent ourselves to the world as the avatar of democracy when in fact we have allowed a minority party to usurp the prerogatives of the majority.   The money of the oligarchy in this country has allowed this to happen.  How much different are we than the population of Russia?

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