Monday, March 14, 2022

More of the "up is down"

        For those whose major source of "news" is Fox, OAN or Newsmax, the world is an increasingly strange place.   In this looking glass world, everything remotely bad or threatening is the Biden administration's fault and anything good must be because of  something Donald Trump did or would have done if he was still in office.

       One bizarre meme on Facebook last week proposed tRump should run for Congress, be appointed Speaker of the House, lead an impeachment of Biden and VP Kamala Harris and then as third in line for the presidency would  become the new and future president.  The mind boggles.

      Trump led perhaps the most scandal ridden presidency in history.  Full stop.  To deny this is to deny objective reality.   Just count the number of convictions of members of his administration vs. how many of Obama's,   This ain't rocket science.   Unfortunately, a significant number of our fellow citizens are so badly informed they no longer respond to objective facts.   It is disheartening to say the least.

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