Wednesday, February 23, 2022

The new reality

         From the war in Ukraine to the fight against inflation there are two views on any given subject.   The first, held mainly by people who are interested in evidence based policy, is to evaluate proposals on any given policy by its merits.   The second is to judge policy based on ideology.   The former view is held by most Democrats, the latter by virtually all Republicans.

      A couple of examples;  tRump's tax cut in 2017 was widely praised by economists who would have had the mother of all hissy fits if the same policy was introduced by a Dem.  The second example is the current crisis in Ukraine.   The Biden administration has supported a fellow democracy, while the Republican opposition has mostly lined up on the side of the Putin autocracy, aka, Russia.  

     Today's GOP is defined by support of autocratic talking points and dedicated to increasing the income inequality gap.  Full stop.

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