Monday, February 21, 2022

Holding our collective breath

          According to most western media reports, Russia is days or even hours away from invading Ukrainian territory in the most blatant display of naked aggression since the Shrub's administration invaded Iraq in 2002.   The pretexts are not too much different in both cases.   The Bushies used Colin Powell's reputation to put a gloss of respectability on the invasion.   Vladimir Putin seemingly cares little for the approbation of the West.

       Russian separatists in two breakaway  "republics" on the eastern border of Russia and Ukraine are firing on their own people and blaming the Ukraine military as a forerunner to Russian military invasion.  This is Putin's war and as in 1914, a minor miscalculation could turn a brushfire  into a worldwide conflagration.   Let's hope and pray cooler heads prevail.

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