Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Smoke and Fire

       Thanks to the far right media ecosystem which includes Fox News, Newsmax and OAN, supporters of Donald tRump have a continuous stream of mostly debunked news to freak out over nearly every day.   The latest is coming from the moribund investigation by John Durham into the origins of the Mueller probe of the tRump campaign's ties to Russia.   After nearly 2 years, Durham was only able to indict a lawyer connected with the Clinton campaign for "lying" to the FBI when presenting them with evidence that servers in tRump tower were communicating with servers of a bank in Russia.  He said he came forward as a private citizen but Durham alleges he was  a Clinton operative.   From this slender thread, the conspiracy theorists have already claimed this is evidence  Hilary will be running for President in 2024!

      Meanwhile, the January 6 Select Committee in the House has amassed a mountain of verifiable evidence that tRump and a gaggle of associates plotted to overthrow the lawfully elected president in the wake of the 2020 election.   Needless to say, the sounds of crickets are coming from Faux News, etc.  One of these stories is smoke and one is fire.  You decide.

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