Monday, February 14, 2022

Back to blogging

      After a two week hiatus, the blog is back!   One of the perks of retirement is to do things on a whim, especially if a recent knee operation had basically confined me to a recliner for 6 weeks.  I plowed through nearly 12,000 pages of the Wheel of Time fantasy series by Robert Jordan with an assist from Brandon Sanderson after Jordan's death.   The prose was certainly not deathless, but it was engaging enough to take my mind off the healing process.

     Meanwhile, in what could be a blueprint for social unrest in the US, truckers in Canada are clogging the streets in Ottawa and snarling the border crossing between Windsor and Detroit.   It turns out the supposed protest over government vaccine mandates is overblown.  90% of Canadian truckers are vaccinated, so this is a fringe movement and much of its support is coming from right wing groups in America.  In a familiar gambit, the truckers and supporters are calling for the recently elected liberal government to be overthrown.   The Ambassador bridge has been cleared, so only the Ottawa protestors remain.   Despite the best efforts of Faux News and the right wingnuts,  this entire "protest" has been a sideshow.   I doubt American truckers will participate in similar performance art on this side of the border, since they lack the liberal benefits most Canadians take for granted.

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