Thursday, February 17, 2022

Drum along the Don

         Anyone following the crisis manufactured by Vladimir Putin to intimidate or conquer Ukraine knows Putin is an opportunist who is hell bent on reassembling the old Soviet Union.  He considers the fall of the communist state the single biggest tragedy of the 20th century.  Tell that to the 6 million Jews who perished in the Holocaust!

       Regardless of the spurious arguments Putin is making for his aggression, the warmongers on both sides are cheering him on, albeit silently in this country.   War is always good for business.   Witness the stories on the "babushka brigade".   Grandmothers training to fire AK-47s is the sort of feel good story purveyors of armaments love.   

       The only body which may have had a chance to avert the violent overthrow of Ukraine, the United Nations, is a toothless tiger thanks to the organization's founders' reluctance to give it any enforcement powers.   America is mainly responsible for this fiasco.   It's a heads I win, tails you lose situation .

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