Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Gettin' Old

        There is somewhat of a freakout on the liberal left as tRump spends more and more time at far right rallies.   The failed, twice impeached former president has increasingly serious legal problems in several states and probably the DOJ as well.   He is increasingly unhinged in public and I would argue he vastly overestimates his support among the public at large.   He will be in his late 70s by 2024 and a health risk for various diseases of old age.   tRumpism as an ideology was able to weld together racism, misogyny and ethnonationalism into an incoherent but potent political force.   However, I doubt its staying power when the man behind this noxious mess increasingly reveals himself as a doddering old fool who is liable to do the perp walk before the next presidential campaign.

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