Friday, August 27, 2021

This ain't beanbag

       Nearly 24 hours after an attack at the Kabul airport left 13 soldiers dead, howls of grief from left, right and center bombarded anyone watching cable news.  Had these same men and women died at a remote outpost in the Afghanistan while the country was fully occupied I wonder how much outrage would have been displayed.

   Of course the above was a rhetorical question.   The American foreign policy blob is firmly in favor of continuing the policy of Empire, built on the bones of thousands of American casualties and hundreds of thousands of dead in occupied countries.   Ask Vietnam, Iraq, Libya and Afghanistan how they like American intervention in their countries.   The constituency for empire is outraged Biden is ending the profitable Afghan intervention.  He is one of their own, but has proved less pliable than his predecessors.  Does he have the courage to end the Pax Americana?

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