Monday, August 2, 2021

Climate change follies

       Heading out to the store on the 1st day of August, I felt the need for a sweatshirt and long pants to combat the 60 degree temperature at noon in Plattsburgh.   The first week of August  is traditionally the hottest of the year.   As I embarked on my expedition, people were sporting a mixed bag of apparel ranging from summer gear like shorts, tank tops and sandals to several people dressed to handle a noreaster.  I eventually shed the heavy sweatshirt, but the forecast for the week ahead provides opportunities to continue to dress like it is late September.

     While much of the nation sweltered through July and is promised more of the same in August, partsof the northeast and eastern Canada have experienced extremely cool and wet weather.   According to the long range forecast under a climate change regime this kind of weather is to be expected in this area.  As the Greenland ice sheet continues to melt at a rapid pace, it disrupts the normal atmospheric conditions which bring summer warmth to this corner of the world.  So, no palm trees will be lining the streets of Montreal, at least in the short term. 

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