Monday, August 9, 2021

Meeting the challenge

       As the brief reign of the Olympics coverage begins to recede, the drumbeat of  Covid stories and climate change Op-Eds are taking center stage.  A 100,000 Americans contracted the Covid virus on Friday.   Major league baseball was impacted as players are experiencing breakthrough infections which will potentially change  playoff races.   Meanwhile, three quarters of a million people are gathering in Sturgis, S. Dakota for the annual motorcycle rally and supespreader event.

      Most Americans believe in science, endorse the idea that climate change is an existential threat and are being vaccinated against Covid.   However,  a significant minority which seems to overlap with membership in the Republican party want to deny human induced climate change and vaccination to combat Covid.   They are in turn driven by a small group of grifters, influencers and cranks who are either making money or tying to score political points from these twin disasters.

      The Divine Mrs. M is of the opinion one of the major political parties in our country has gone off the rails and she is frustrated that so many of her countrymen cannot see the proverbial forest for the trees.  I have argued that many of these people are scared and scared people sometimes do stupid things.  It is up to everyone to unite to meet the challenges ahead.   As the pictures of floods, wildfires and other manifestations of climate change innundate the media and Covid surges, I  believe a large majority of my fellow citizens will realize collective action is needed in both cases.  We don't have a Plan B...

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