Thursday, August 12, 2021

It's about time

      As the Delta variant of the  Covid 19  coronavirus continues to rampage across the country, those of us who did the right thing and got vaccinated are calling out the anti-vaxxers for the idiots they are.  In a powerful tik tok video I saw this morning an outraged man whose wife's cancer treatment was cut short by the hospital because of Covid admissions had a message for unvaccinated would be patients.   If you are truly convinced the pandemic is a hoax, then live or die by your conviction.  If you don't trust the healthcare professionals who advised you to get the shot, why should you trust them to treat you if you contract the disease.  Stay home and let those with non Covid medical issues get the treatment they need. In an F bomb sprinkled appeal, the tik tok man basically advised non vaccinated people with Covid to stay home and die.

      Meanwhile, we fight about mask mandates when data tells us masking and social distancing can cut transmission by up to 83%.   The Divine Mrs. M and I are renting a cabin on a bucolic lake in the Southern Adirondacks along with our eldest daughters and their families and are sweltering in non airconditioned glory.  We made a trip to Lake George to indulge in some ice cream at a local landmark and along with several hundred people we waited patiently in line for our treats.  A very small minority of those in line were masked in the sultry night air.  I wonder how many were vaccinated...

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