Thursday, August 5, 2021

Constant uncertainty

       Maybe nowhere else in the world has life been so certain as it has been for white people in America during the past 70 years.  For the most part, weather was benign and predictable, middle class life was attainable for most whites and America was indisputably the leader of the "Free World" of other countries dominated by white people.   The overwhelming majority agreed with the tenets of science and expected their children to be better off than themselves.

     The past few years have upended virtually all these assumptions.  No longer can whites expect their children will do better.   The climate we took for granted is going to hell, America is now more a pariah than a leader in the international community.   A numerous minority of our fellow citizens disdain science.  Finally, the coronavirus has made daily life a gamble as science deniers and anti-vaxxers refuse the vaccine which will potentially bring the disease under control.  

     How did we come to this pass?   Which generation do we blame?   What can we do to reverse the malaise?  I don't know the answers, but I do no we must keep asking the questions.   

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