Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Dreaming an impossible dream

        At least one media pundit, Nicole Wallace on MSNBC, predicted 95% of the American people agree with Joe Biden's decision to withdraw American troops from Afghanistan, while 95% of the media will oppose it.   As the endless loop of images of the chaos in the last open airport in the country is beamed at a relatively apathetic American public, Wallace's prediction is being borne out.

      It seems literally hundreds of thousands of Afghans want out of their country now the Taliban has taken it.   If Biden opened wide the Golden Door to admit most of these refugees, the same media that has played these images of anarchy would crucify him for admitting potential terrorists.

     The national security state we have become under all the presidents since 9/11 became committed to the conflict in Afghanistan.   Despite the fact we defeated the Taliban in 2001 the Bush administration refused to accept their surrender.  20 years later, we now have a significant portion of the population dependent on American money and protection.   The military-industrial complex in this country is invested in "forever wars" like Afghanistan for fun and profit and the human suffering the warfare causes is collateral damage.  Biden ripped off the band-aid and it remains to be seen if the wound will heal.

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