Monday, April 30, 2018

Teapot, meet tempest

If you tuned into Morning Joe on MSNBC today, you would have thought Michelle Wolf was the newly minted public enemy #1.   Her crime, at least in the eyes of Joe, Mika and the assorted sycophants who make a living on their guess at the hosts' views on the issue of the day, consisted of accusing the Spawn of Huck of lying to the American people.   There was also an implication she burned the truth and used the ashes to create a "smoky eye".  That was the sum total of Wolf's description of the aforementioned Press Secretary, but you would think she had disclosed the woman's weight and measurements in a mean spirited way.  No one characterized the criticism of Sander's continual lying to the media as a problem.  They pounced on a marginal shot at eye makeup to imagine a full blown attack on her looks.  I don't see it and I think there will be a backlash when the full text of Wolf's monologue is printed.  In other news, man bites two dogs.

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