Thursday, April 5, 2018

Perception is all

Reading most liberal pundits on a regular basis would make you think the tRump administration is so corrupt it makes Warren Harding's government look like Boy Scouts.  On the other side, from Faux News and other right wing outlets all you hear is crickets.  This includes the ongoing Mueller investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 election.   Of course, if any of the Obama cabinet appointees had done what Pruitt, Zinke, Mnuchin, et. al. are credibly accused of, every relevant congressional committee would be 24/7 nonstop in session to "get to the bottom of this corruption".  By the same logic, if Hillary had actually won the election by the same electoral sleight of hand as the republican candidate I'm not sure she would have been inaugurated before the impeachment proceedings would have begun.  So, we are being treated to a tale of two elections and their aftermath.    I guess we'll have to wait until November to see which point of view is getting through to  Americans who are interested in the truth.

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