Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Collision course

It is looking more and more like Senator Bernie Sanders is eying another run at the presidency in 2020.  He is now calling for the federal government to supply a $15.00/hr. job with benefits to anyone who wants one.  There are no details yet, as his office is still crafting a plan.  Considering there are probably in the range of 20-30 million people presently working for less money than that, the cost of implementing such a program would be astronomical.  I assume Sanders has poll tested the promise and has had good responses.  This would amount to a real populist challenge to the Donald, who despite his agenda of "winning" for the average voter has thus far pursued the usual republican agenda of tax cuts for the rich and deregulation of business.  While Bernie's offer is truly "pie in the sky", it offers program democrats can rally around and move the overton window to the left.  All of a sudden, a $15.00/hr. minimum wage seems doable.  I doubt republicans will seriously compete in that arena.  However, if Bernie secures the Democratic nomination in 2020 it will set up a battle between a real populist and the faux version.  Two men in their mid 70s trying to appeal to the tattered American middle class.   It will be an interesting couple of years.

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