Friday, April 6, 2018

Roller coasters

Due to a temporary sanity loss, I somehow was convinced to accompany the Divine Mrs. M and my eldest daughter and her family to Disneyworld next week.  So at some point during this homage to American tackiness I'll get on a real life roller coaster.  My perception of reality may be skewed somewhat since my and millions of fellow Americans have been on a figurative financial roller coaster for the past few weeks as the stock market gyrates to the tunes being played by our *president.   tRump declares a trade war and the market plunges.  An administration spokesman says we don't really mean it and the market recovers.  Rinse and repeat.  As Paul Krugman puts it, it's "the art of the flail".   We are being "governed" by the whims of a narcissistic asshole whose idea of policy is whatever Fox and Friends spouts on any given morning.  If Ann Coulter is mean to him we have to send the National Guard to the border to keep our so called caravans of immigrants.  The daily scandals surrounding most of his cabinet appointees require The Donald to roil the news cycle with outrageous declarations, firings and appointments.  I'm reasonably sure to survive Disneyworld.  I'm not so sure my finances will survive the next couple of years.

1 comment:

  1. Sanity is over-rated. Enjoy the fantasy but even better, enjoy the family time!
