Friday, April 27, 2018

Systemic war on poor people

Paul Krugman in today's NYT reminds us that amid the mounting scandals and self dealing in the tRump administration, the perverse war on the less fortunate among us goes on apace.   While most of us fixate on Stormy Daniels and her publicity savvy lawyer, the secretary of HUD, Ben Carson announced new rules which will have the effect of raising the rents in subsidized housing for the poor.  In some cases as much as tripling what recipients will be made to pay.  For a government which just voted to explode the deficit, Carson's claim that the program in question is unsustainable rings hollow.   Our *president refers to any safety net program as welfare in the most derogatory way.  Meanwhile, Mick Mulvaney, temporary head of the Consumer Fraud Protection Bureau is gutting the ability of the agency to protect consumers, especially low income people preyed upon by the payday lending industry.  Mulvaney infamously told a group of bankers that when he was a congressman he only talked to lobbyists if they contributed to his campaign.  Payday lenders gave him over $60,000.  Nuff said.  There are many other examples of grift and cruelty in this administration, but the motto these lizards seem to live by is the opposite of the golden rule.  The live to afflict the afflicted and comfort the comfortable.

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