Friday, April 20, 2018

Looking for the other

Despite my protestations to the contrary and possibly due to the glow induced by the joy of seeing grandchildren live their dreams for a week, I have to admit there is a certain guilty pleasure indulging in Disneyworld.   For a week, we lived and breathed the vision that Walt and his brother Roy bequeathed to an America desperate for nostalgia.  The baby boom generation was seduced by Disneyland and the "Wonderful World of Disney", which appeared on network TV each Sunday night and shamelessly plugged each new Disney project.  Our children grew up during the second golden age of Disney animated fairy tales and their children have Disney 24/7 on cable.  It's no wonder a cross section of visitors to the Magic Kingdom would show a fair number of representatives from all age groups.  But the lure of Main St. USA, Cinderella's castle and all the other attractions baking in the Florida sun is stronger than most of us will admit.  From my 3 1/2  year old grandson who relished his Prince Charming outfit to the oldest, wheelchair bound visitor, we are all longing for a place which perfectly embodies our desire for perfection.  The people who carry on the legacy of Disney understand that and do their best to fulfill that desire.  When it comes time for the next batch of my descendants to make their pilgrimage, me and my aching knees (or their replacements) will be there once more.

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