Thursday, October 5, 2017

What's wrong with this picture

I hadn't actually seen footage of POTUS tossing rolls of paper towels to a crowd in Puerto Rico, but this morning there was a still shot of tRump doing just that on the blog First Draft under the title, "the boy ain't right".  I wholeheartedly agree.  As I have said before, although the Shrub and his administration did far more harm to America than Cheeto Jesus has so far, at least GWB acted the way most of us expect a president to act.  The Moron-in-Chief seems to be acting out the fantasies of an unbalanced teenager suddenly thrust into the role of most powerful man in the world.   The only more bizarre touch would have been a T-shirt cannon.  Maybe they'll have one for him at the next natural disaster!   Seriously, his own secretary of state was caught calling him a moron and did not deny it.  If there was a checklist to evaluate the fitness of someone to be president, The Donald has now completed a nearly perfect example of NOT.

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