Friday, October 6, 2017

Gun uncontrol

One of the conservative columnists at the NYT, Bret Stephens,  trolled the various liberal factions searching for a strategy to get control of guns in these United States.  Stephens suggestion is to push for the repeal of the 2nd amendment to the Constitution.  Of  course anyone foolish enough to push that crusade deserves the hail of lead they would probably attract.  He did however underline how difficult any conversation about guns will be.  According to stats, less than 25% of Americans own 80% of all the firearms in the country.  Most of us who do own a gun are ambivalent at best when it comes to the utility of doing so.  In my case, I bought a shotgun from a friend years ago, more to help him get some much needed cash than making a statement.  I used it for hunting varmints a few times, but careless storage has reduced it to a rusty mess which would require more than the gun is worth to restore it.  Still, I would probably not favor a blanket ban on gun ownership.  Registration, insurance, manufacturers' liability I could support, but until the an overwhelming majority of citizens is repulsed by the never ending carnage caused by firearms these common sense regulations have as much chance of being enacted as tRump has of being impeached by this Congress.

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