Friday, October 13, 2017

What is to be done?

It;s no coincidence the title of this post is taken from a tract written by Vladimir Lenin in the run up to the Russian revolution in 1917,   Thanks to Donald Trump and a compliant republican congress, the little bit of progressive change Barack Obama and the democrats were able to deliver in 8 years is being erased at an increasingly rapid clip, we are approaching a war with N. Korea, natural disasters are leaving many US citizens to the tender mercies of an overstretched relief agency, and the moron-in-chief insists on re-litigating the culture wars with insensitive, racist appeals to divide the country.  We are one international incident away from a crisis we may be unable to recover from.  Indeed, what is to be done?  Lenin's solution was a communist revolution which proceeded to feed on the revolutionists until any resemblance to his original program was erased in the terror under Stalin.  Fortunately, we have a much greater democratic heritage than the Russians.  On the flip side, it seems there is an irreducible number of our fellow Americans who desire an authoritarian leader, even one as clueless and mentally deranged as the Donald.  This primal need of a leader who removes the need for civic engagement and promises security in return for obedience has been with us throughout human history and has triumphed over more democratic systems almost without exception.  We have maintained a reasonably robust democracy for over 200 years, but without a public commitment to the rule of law and civic engagement we may very well be witnessing the demise of our precious democracy.  Indeed, what is to be done?

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