Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Same old story

Despite the fact a mass shooting happens in the US on average once each day (I believe it is defined as more than 3 casualties), and the frequency has been going up along with the severity of the events, a parade of right wing pundits and "authorities" are letting us know that the continuing carnage is the price of "freedom".  No other wealthy industrialized country in the first world tolerates this type of gun violence and the increasingly weak 2nd amendment arguments being made in favor of semi-automatic weapons are pushing many toward support of solutions like Australia's ban on these human killers.  The arsenal of weapons amassed by Stephen Paddock and the horrific use he put them to shows the absolute necessity for common sense control of what are agents of mass destruction.  Although it seems callous in the aftermath of the Las Vegas tragedy to say this, it is fortunate it was an elderly white man with apparently no connection to international terrorism who committed this atrocity.  Maybe the next shooting will be done by a white haired grandma with an RPG.  I'm sure Jonah Goldberg or Eric Ericsson will have some pat answer to the question of why we should allow our fellow citizens to be blown away in the name of  FREEDOM.

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